formação: Potentials Of Digital Learning For Higher Education

Potentials Of Digital Learning For Higher Education – 07 Fevereiro – 14h30/17h30 

Docentes UP: Clique aqui  para preencher o formulário de inscrição

Docentes Externos: Clique aqui para preencher o formulário de inscrição

Ulf Daniel Ehlers, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe


Digital technologies today constitute a reality in teaching and learning in universities.

More and more teachers and students make use of digital media and benefit from greater flexibility, improved self-study opportunities and more student centered learning environments, and that universities across Europe have made great progress in innovation of teaching and learning. However, digital technologies for higher education are also a subject of great debate. It is clear that technology enhanced learning is demanding for holistic concepts of teaching and learning innovation – teachers as well as students have to be taken onboard, so that new possibilities can turn into potentials and successes. Digital tools, learning design, content, MOOCs and digital skill, open and free educational resources and open educational practices are just some of the issues which need attention development and support. Teachers often felt that they are left alone in meeting these great challenges. The workshop will build on questions and issue of participants which will be asked to contribute their issues in the beginning. Innovation in teaching and learning, good practices and successful examples are put in the center and participants will be asked to develop their own vision and plan for a next step in their digital teaching future.

Data: 07 de fevereiro 2018

Horário: 14h30 às 17h30

Localização: Biblioteca do Fundo Antigo – Reitoria da U.Porto

Duração: 3h

Vagas: 30 Docentes

Regime do curso: Presencial